Using Your Inspiratory Flow Trainer

The benefits from using the Inspiratory Flow Trainer are substantial, but using it is simple! You can scale the training however you would like, but a good rule of thumb is to measure 10 fast breaths twice a day. You can do this before and after playing, or any other time you would like. Tracking your results is also a great way to accelerate your improvement!

Here's how you measure a breath:

Exhale to empty your lungs as much as possible, and place your lips on the mouthpiece of the device as shown. Be sure you are creating a tight seal. Then, inhale through the device as quickly as you can

Lift the device to eye level. There is a scale along the side of the device in units of Liters per Minute. Find the spot along the scale where the white marker piece stopped. This is your measurement of "peak inspiratory flow," meaning the maximum rate at which you inhaled. Record this measurement.

To reset the device, the marker must be returned to the starting position. To do so, hold the device in one hand. Then, smack the bottom of the device against your other hand (like shown). This will release a small weight that resets the marker at the bottom.

To return the weight to its original position, tilt the device upside down. The weight will slide back into place where it is held by a magnet. You are ready to use your Inspiratory Flow Trainer again!